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Intrusion Systems

Intrusion detection

An alarm system is essential to avoid or limit the risk of intrusion or acts of vandalism. Would you like to discover tailored solutions designed to meet your business's specific needs? Our specialists will be happy to answer all your queries.


An alarm system for your business.

Install an alarm system to protect your premises from exorbitant expenses and emotional distress. Burglary outside business hours is a recurring problem in the corporate world. An absence of a reliable alarm system allows burglars to operate undisturbed. This often leads to major damage and financial loss.

A reliable alarm system makes it easy for businesses to protect themselves against intruders. As well as acting as a deterrent, it transmits an alarm signal to our remote surveillance centre.

Burglars can wreak havoc on your facilities, cause losses to your business and instil a deep sense of anxiety. That is why it is important to install an alarm system you can rely on.

Would you like to discover the variety of alarm systems tailored to suit your business needs? Protectas Technology is the company for you. We can offer you a solution tailored to your needs.

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Discover the effectiveness of an alarm system

Deter Intruders

Alongside their preventive capabilities, intrusion detection solutions also respond effectively during a burglary event. When an intruder enters your buildings, the system detects them and sounds a siren. This immediate reaction will probably hinder the burglar or drive them away.

Minimises the risk of intrusion

An alarm system has a preventive effect. Burglars will often think twice before breaking into alarmed buildings. It is therefore essential to ensure that the system is visible.

Limits damage in the event of intrusion

If the burglar still manages to get into your buildings and thinks they can do their shopping in peace, they'll be in for a rude awakening. In most cases, the deafening noise produced by the siren will send the intruder into a panic and running for cover. This will significantly limit damage in the event of a burglary.

Ensures peace of mind

All these benefits ensure the owner's peace of mind. So, you can focus on your core business and foster its growth with complete peace of mind.

Did you know?


of entrepreneurs have already been victims of burglary at least once.


of burglars are deterred by a quality alarm system.

Thousands of

burglaries take place in businesses every year.

Reduce the risk of intrusion with an alarm system

In Switzerland, a burglary occurs every 14 minutes. Take measures to safeguard against unnecessary risks. You will benefit more than you think! You will undoubtedly minimise the financial and material damage to your business, but that's not all. You will also limit the emotional damage to yourself and your team.

Don't let a burglary disrupt your business.

A burglary can have serious consequences. Are you aware of the potential financial losses if your business faces temporary closure due to significant damage caused by an intruder? What if the goods you need to run your business have been stolen? Avoid burglaries and opt for a Protectas Technology security system.

The key to an effective intrusion detection system.

Give burglars no chance by installing a tailor-made alarm system. You can choose between a wireless alarm system with video detectors or a system equipped with sensors. Here are the basic elements of your tailor-made solution:

  • An alarm control unit, aka the brain of your intruder detection system
  • An intuitive control panel
  • Sensors sensitive to movement and noise
  • An on-site alarm signal using a siren (inside and outside the facilities)
  • An alarm signal is sent to your smartphone and/or to our control centre, ensuring a swift response on your part

The benefits of an intruder detection system

Scaring off burglars

Alarm systems have a preventive effect. They scare off potential burglars and help prevent criminal acts.

An integrated system

Our intrusion systems can be synchronised with other third-party solutions.

Solutions tailored to your business needs

Every business is different. That's why our detection system is tailored to your needs.

Rapid response capability

An alarm system allows you to act quickly and alert your staff to protect your facilities.

Peace of mind

Leave your business without having to worry about your employees, your installations or the building itself.

Request an operating report

As alarms can be activated and deactivated using codes, you can keep track of who has entered and left your business.


Why is an intrusion detection system so important for your business?

When your business suffers a burglary, it has a major impact on you and your employees. An alarm system alerts you to intruders and deters would-be burglars.

Do you also offer wireless intrusion detection systems?

Of course! We offer wireless alarm systems with IP or LTE (4G) transmission.

We also offer wired systems throughout your company, so that information can be transmitted to the central control panel.

How does the alarm system work when it sounds?

Intrusion detection systems work differently depending on the model installed in your company.

- A 'bells-only' alarm sounds when a motion sensor is activated but makes no connection.
- A 'dialler' alarm automatically calls you when the alarm goes off.
- Remotely monitored alarm systems are connected to our Security Operations Centre

Contact an alarm system professional